Let's Get Lit Christmas and Holiday Lighting
Christmas Light Installations in the Chicagoland area?  Lazy teens at home?  Have you always enjoyed seeing houses with nice lights?  Scared to get up high?  Our Christmas lights installers will be lighting up the Chicagoland area. 

Rooftops, Ridgelines, shrubs, walkways, etc.  We can handle it.  We'll design, and customize for your home/business.  We supply (professional, commercial grade lighting), install, remove, warranty and store our lights.  And we're CLIPA (Christmas Lights Installation Professional Associated) certified.

Pricing depends on the number of stories in the house, length, width, sizing, style of lights, if landscaping or tree lights are installed, and additional Christmas decorations..
If you are interested in decorating your home or business with holiday lighting, shoot us a message to setup a consultation and/or site visit. Minimum $250 requirement for holiday installs.
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  Let's Get Lit Christmas and Holiday Lighting

Christmas Light Installations in the Chicagoland area?  Lazy teens at home?  Have you always enjoyed seeing houses with nice lights?  Scared to get up high?  Our Christmas lights installers will be lighting up the Chicagoland area. 
Rooftops, Ridgelines, shrubs, walkways, etc.  We can handle it.  We'll design, and customize for your home/business.  We supply (professional, commercial grade lighting), install, remove, warranty and store our lights.  And we're CLIPA (Christmas Lights Installation Professional Associated) certified.

Pricing depends on the number of stories in the house, length, width, sizing, style of lights, if landscaping or tree lights are installed, and additional Christmas decorations..

If you are interested in decorating your home or business with holiday lighting, shoot us a message to setup a consultation and/or site visit. 

Minimum $250 requirement for holiday installs.





C9 Roof & Gutter Lights
C9 Roof & Gutter Lights

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
C9 Ground Staked Lighting
C9 Ground Staked Lighting

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
Mini Lights
Mini Lights

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
24'' Lighted Door Wreaths (Coming Soon)
24'' Lighted Door Wreaths (Coming Soon)

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
C9 Garage (Outline)
C9 Garage (Outline)

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
C9 Window (Outline)
C9 Window (Outline)

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com
C9 Window (Outline)
C9 Window (Outline)

Use the quote/booking form or email us. info@ChicagoPartyPlace.com

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